I’m a coffee drinker. I’ve have exactly one cup in the morning, every day, for the last 15 years. My body is sensitive to caffeine so I don’t drink a lot but coffee is still a very important part of my my life and my morning coffee routine.

Over the years, I have had automatic drip brewers, electric grinders and experimented with more coffees than I can remember. For the last several years, I’ve found my nearly perfect set up….for now anyway. My set up is for a single person so keep that in mind.


I use to use an electric grinder and those things are just SO LOUD and SO MESSY with the static that throws your grinds everywhere. I was happy to find Hario’s Ceramic Coffee Mill. It’s a ceramic burr grinder with an fully-enclosed glass catch container. The top has an area to hold the beans and the crank is attached to the top of the grinder. You put the whole beans in the top, crank away and the grinds drop the enclosed glass container in the bottom. It takes a few minutes of grinding to get enough for a cup off coffee.

Hario Ceramic Burr Grinder

Hario Ceramic Burr Grinder

The Hario grinder is fully adjustable so if you want coarse or fine grounds, you’ll have to do some experimenting to get it just right. This grinder is not very good if you want to keep changing the coarseness. It’s a little finicky so once I found the right size grind, I never change it. The capacity of this grinder is not very large and if you have 4 people to make coffee for, the grinding could take awhile, so keep that in mind. 2 things I find annoying about this grinder is that it’s hard for me to hold in one hand and crank. The neck is too thick and my small hands can’t really get the best grip. I make it work though….I sit down and use my thighs for extra holding power. The other thing about this grinder is that as you are grinding, sometimes partially crushed beans would fly out.


One of my best purchases of all time is my Chemex 3-cup Coffee Maker. They call this type of coffee maker a “pour over,” which essentially means you are brewing coffee by simply pouring hot water over the grinds. The chemex is a very simple container; it is made of glass and shaped like an hourglass.

Chemex 3-Cup Coffee Maker

Chemex 3-Cup Coffee Maker

To brew coffee, you use a special, cone-shaped filter made by Chemex, and put that in the top area. You fill that with coffee grinds and then pour hot water over the grinds. As you are pouring, the water pushes through the grinds and gets caught by the filter and the water drips down to the bottom area. Voila. Simple and in my opinion, the best-tasting coffee.

Chemex sells different sizes of coffee makers. Here are links to a few:


I have no complaints other than I wish they could make this glass survive falls. The glass is not delicate, per sey, but is as fragile as any other glass object. You have to exercise care with the Chemex and wash it regularly. If you do this it will be your loyal companion for years and years.


As most coffee addicts, I’ve tried many different brands of coffee. I tend to be a person that sticks to what is good but will always seek out different coffees to see how they compare. Manatee coffee is my current coffee of choice. I am a fan of their Columbian Supremo and sometimes I blend that with the Hazelnut Cream. I like black coffee with nothing in it.

Manatee coffee is not organic and is not a fair trade coffee. I lamented a long while about this but decided that I like what I like and if nothing else, this company does help to protect the manatees, which I think is awesome.


Please note: Most items I’ve referenced can be purchased from www.amazon.com.  See below:

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